Blu Star:

So here's a little bit about Blu Star Entertainment. I'm based out the 561, and I'm workin' with artists throughout the whole South Florida region. I am a producer/promoter. Basically, I make things happen. I'm extremely open to affiliating with new artists, as well as other blogs etc...Hit me up on MySpace

<--- Everything you need to find on the website can be accessed through the side bar

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Exclusive Cold Blooded Interview

::Interview w/ Cold Blooded::

Iight, so everyone's probly wondering where the other interviews are, and when there being posted...I have been going through endless minutes of footage trying to find the best clips...I want these interviews to be perfect before I post them...As for other productions coming soon, stayed tuned for a trailer for Hitmatized by Baby Smooth, and She's Cheatin by Cold Blooded...

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